Regenerative Medicine


  • What do you do?
  • What is Regenerative Cell-Based Medicine?
  • What conditions are typically treated with this procedure?
  • How soon can patients see results after regenerative medicine?
  • What happens after the injection or what are my post care instructions or what is the aftercare?
  • How do Mesenchymal stem cells work?
  • Where do the stem cells come from?
  • Is this procedure safe?
  • Does the treatment hurt?
  • Does health insurance cover this treatment?
What do you do?

I’m a physician who specializes in regenerative medicine. Regenerative medicine includes Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy, and IV therapy.

What is Regenerative Cell-Based Medicine?

The term Regenerative Medicine was coined in the early 1990’s but has become more popular in recent years due to clinical research worldwide. The cell-based medicine allows the harnessing of the multipotent Mesenchymal stem cells to help regenerate and restore normal function without the need of invasive surgery for acute and chronic injuries. This is done through targeted injections to the injured sites using mesenchymal stem cells and platelet rich plasma.

What conditions are typically treated with this procedure?

Cell based medicine can help treat a wide variety of conditions, both acute and chronic. From the weekend warrior with acute sprains, strains, or tears in the musculoskeletal system as well as the individual who has chronic arthritic pain or chronic tendonitis.

Acute: Shoulder/ elbow/ wrist/ hip/ knee/ ankle tendinitis, tendon tears, ligamentous tears, and sprains/strains. Shoulder and hip labral tears, knee meniscus tears, lumbar strain/sprain.

Chronic: Pain secondary to arthritis in shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, fingers, lower back, hips, knees, ankles and toes.

How soon can patients see results after regenerative medicine?

Every patient varies but typically most of my patients start see results within the first two weeks. The results get increasingly better with time.

What happens after the injection or what are my post care instructions or what is the aftercare?

You have undergone regenerative injection treatments in or around injured and weakened ligaments, tendons or joints. The solution injected is designed to heal and strengthen these areas, improve stability and reduce pain. It is NORMAL and expected to experience some pain and swelling at the injection site for a few days after treatment due to the expected inflammatory response that starts the healing process. You will be able to resume light activity as soon as possible such as walking and stretching. It is important to keep the area treated mobilized, if pain tolerates, in order to encourage healing blood flow to the area. This will help to decrease some of your pain and will help improve your range of motion. Inactivity will decrease optimal results. It is vital that you adhere to activity recommendations after your procedure as improper or over strenuous activity may inhibit the healing process or result in re-injury.

How do Mesenchymal stem cells work?

Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) are derived from healthy umbilical cord tissue that work to restore structure and function of damaged tissues buy releasing signalers to your body’s own stem cells. They essentially wake up your dormant cells that have not been active in the healing process and recruit them to the area of injury. The mesenchymal stem cells along with cytokines & growth factors are found naturally in your body. Our advanced cell technologies contain a younger, healthier source of cytokines, growth factors & MSC’s and they can work in combination with your own cells to create a optimal space for regeneration.

Where do the stem cells come from?

Mesenchymal Stem cells can be found in the body tissues of adults, such as bone marrow and tissue from a donated healthy umbilical cord. The donated umbilical cords have scientifically shown to have the highest concentration of mesenchymal stem cells.

Is this procedure safe?

Yes. It’s is perfectly safe for most patients looking to restore cell function. Patientns with cancer should not use this form of therapy unles you are in remission for more than 5-years.s

Does the treatment hurt?

There some discomfort following the procedure ranging from a few hours to a few days, depending on the extent and the location of the injury and injection site. This can easily be relieved with over the counter pain relievers such as Tylenol. We recommend to not use any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ALEVE, MOTRIN, IBUPROFEN, ADVIL, NAPROSYN or NAPROXEN, CELEBREX, MELOXICAM, or full dose aspirin. Also, do not use any steroid drugs such as prednisone during the course of your treatment. These drugs will inhibit the beneficial effects of the treatments.

Does health insurance cover this treatment?

Typically, health insurance does not cover this treatment.

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